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Syria: Recommendations from 81 Syrian Civil Society Organizations to the European Union

Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission,

The High Representative of the European Union, and Vice-President of the European Commission,

Ladies and gentlemen of the European Commission and Members of the European Parliament,

Ladies and gentlemen, Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the European Union,

Despite the end of Assad’s rule, Syria still suffers from deep divisions among the various parties; locally, regionally and internationally, which underscores the need to design a comprehensive plan for an inclusive political transition process that includes all Syrians, regardless of their ethnic, religious and cultural affiliations, and ensures  justice, reconciliation and sustainable peace among Syrians and with neighboring countries.

We, the undersigned Syrian organizations, highly value the European Union’s unwavering support and commitment to Syria and the Syrians since 2011. Believing that the political transition phase hinges on genuine support and commitment of the international community, which guarantees the unity and sovereignty of the country, we hope for your support and adoption of the following recommendations:

First: Ceasefire and Initiation of Serious Syrian-Syrian Dialogue: We call on you to exert pressure for an immediate and permanent ceasefire throughout Syria, under United Nations supervision and international monitoring, as a first step towards ending this conflict. Simultaneously, we call for the initiation of an inclusive and serious political dialogue among all Syrian parties, including political, civil, social, and military forces. This dialogue should be conducted under the supervision of the United Nations and without the exclusion of any party.

Second: Democratic Reforms and Political Transition: The success of any transitional phase in Syria requires immediate, genuine, and profound reforms that ensure the participation of all Syrians (both within Syria and abroad) in designing the transitional phase and the transitional governing body. This should be followed by drafting an inclusive constitution and holding transparent and fair elections under United Nations supervision, in accordance with Resolution 2254, guaranteeing the right of all Syrians to actively engage in the political process without exclusion or marginalization.

The transition should also focus on establishing a pluralistic democratic system that respects the rights of all communities and ethnic, cultural, and religious groups in Syria, acknowledges the diversity of Syria, and breaks with the policies of repression and marginalization that led to the outbreak of the conflict in the first place.

Third: Transitional Justice: We call for pressure to be exerted for the adoption of a genuine transitional justice process that includes the full range of actions and mechanisms related to the attempts made by Syrian society to address the widespread violations of the past,  to ensure accountability, establish justice, and achieve reconciliation, in order to build trust among individuals within the same society and restore trust in state institutions.

Therefore, there must be pressure to adopt an approach that is based on accountability, and is transparent, non-selective, and non-retributive, while emphasizing the importance of documenting all crimes and violations committed by all parties to ensure justice.

We also call for enhancing efforts to release all detainees and to reveal the fate of the missing and kidnapped persons across all Syrian territories.

Fourth: Ensuring the Preservation of State Institutions and the Adoption of a Comprehensive Approach to Institutional Reform: Immediate pressure should be exerted to protect state institutions, documents, and archives related to public rights and policies from destruction or manipulation, to ensure effective institutional functioning and accountability in the future. This will help rebuild trust in the new Syrian state institutions, support respect for human rights, and strengthen the rule of law, as a step towards reconciliation, institutional reform, and the prevention of any new violations.

We, the undersigned Syrian organizations, believe that Syrians deserve a better future, within a pluralistic democratic system that recognizes the rights of all its citizens and respects Syria’s unique diversity. We emphasize the need for the European Union and the international community to continue providing tangible support for this inclusive transitional process to ensure peace and stability in Syria and its neighboring countries, and to achieve justice for all citizens.

Signatory organizations in alphabetical order:

  1. “Little Dreams” Group to Support and Empower Women
  2. ACCESS Organization
  3. Accountability Advocates Organization
  4. Adad Organization
  5. AlKhaboor Association
  6. Alzajel Association
  7. Ambassadors Association for Persons with Disabilities
  8. ARAS Association
  9. Arej Organization for Social Development
  10. ASHNA for Development
  11. Ashti Center for Peace Building
  12. ASHVAN Organization
  13. ASO News Network
  14. Bader Organization for Community Development
  15. Baladna Organization
  16. Bukra Ahla Organization for Relief and Development
  17. Center for Consultancy and Strategic Study – ASO
  18. Center for Research and Protection of Women’s Rights
  19. Chaushka Women’s Association
  20. Civil Society Platform
  21. Development Seeds Centre
  22. Dijla Organization for Development and Environment
  23. Dijla Organization for Development and Environment
  25. Ellaorganization for Development Peacebuilding
  26. Equal Citizenship Center
  27. Esphere for Development
  28. Euphrates NGO
  29. Fariq Snnae Almustaqbal (Future Makers Team)
  30. Foor Them
  31. Hayat Organization
  32. Hayyat Foundation
  33. Hori Organisation For Human Rights
  34. Humanitarian and Development Cooperation Organization
  35. Jasmine Organization
  37. Khutwa Association
  38. Kobani for Relief and Development
  39. Kurdish Cultural Association in Geneva
  40. Lelun Association for Victims (LAV)
  41. Lights For Development And Construction
  42. Links of Hope for Development
  43. Mary Association for Culture, Arts and Environment
  44. Mawj for Development
  45. Mitan Center for the Revival of Civil Society
  46. Nawat
  47. NES LNGO plat firm
  48. Nextep Organization
  49. Nûdem
  50. Nudem organization
  51. Nujeen Association of Community Development
  52. OFOK
  53. Okaz
  56. PÊL- Civil Waves
  57. RÊ for Rehabilitation and Development
  58. Reng for development
  59. Roj kar for Relief and Development
  60. Rojava Association for Kurdish Culture and Literature
  61. Rose for Support and Empowerment
  62. Sahem Organization for Cooperation and Development
  63. Sanabel Al – Furat
  64. Society for Threatened Peoples – Germany
  65. Stability Support Center
  66. Synergy Association for Victims
  67. Syriac Cross Organization for Relief and Development
  68. Syrian Center for Studies and Dialogue – SCSD
  69. Syrianpioneer
  70. Syrians for Truth and Justice – STJ
  71. Taa Marbouta
  72. Tab Top
  73. Tadmrto Organization
  74. Tara Organization
  75. Warshin Für Umweltschutz
  76. wecare
  77. White Hope
  78. White Hope Organization
  79. White human Organization
  80. YEKPAR Association
  81. Zameen for Development and Peacebuilding.

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